One to One ATPL Instruction

ATPL instruction in the subject of your choice, in person or remote.

Bespoke tutoring tailored to your learning style.

Captain Mariano Ripoll is available for personal tutoring sessions covering any ATPL Groundschool subject. He will make sure you truly master the subject and not just learning by rote. You will feel confident facing any question from the EASA or UK question banks.

Offering a very competitive hourly rate, MK Aviation wants to support aspiring pilots achieve mastery over the learning objectives for each subject. Our specialty are mathematical subjects like General Navigation and Mass and Balance.

We will also offer free advice on how to study for the ATPL exams and how to achieve peak performance at the right time.

If you are in the London area, we can come to you for a face to face session. Otherwise remote tutoring is available via Zoom at a reduced rate.

Contact us for more information via Email, Phone or Whatsapp to find out pricing and more.


Telephone: +44 7484 674393